Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Lausanne Questions

So these are the six questions and issues that we are going to tackle together in Cape Town. I just hope that this is not a done deal but that we really have space and time to actually work through these issues, not that I disagree with any of the call to action and commitment in any one of them.

1. The case for the truth and the uniqueness of Jesus Christ in a pluralistic world. We will look at the interaction of Christianity with other religions and the Challenge of Pluralism. As a response to the biblical reflection and consideration of the challenge, we will then recommit ourselves in Declaring the Uniqueness of Jesus Christ.

2. Developing a theology of reconciliation. After biblical reflection on Reconciliation, we will then look at the issue of human identity which is behind conflicts around the world and our ambiguity in biomedical and moral ethics. As the church, we will then repent and ask for God's help in Reconciling Us to Each Other.

3. Good news for a broken world. We will contemplate the Challenge of Suffering, seeking to better understand the issues of global economic injustice, disease, environment and poverty. If we are to engage the culture for Christ, we need to be Empowered by the Holy Spirit.

4. The unfinished task. The Challenge of the Unfinished Task will explore the new challenges and opportunities to evangelization, including unreached people groups, urbanization, migration, Diaspora groups and the role of women. We will be encouraged as we look at New Forms of Partnerships within and across minority and majority worlds as we cooperate in world evangelization.

5. A call to a 21st century reformation of the church. The Challenge of Relativism is one we need to deal with if the Church is to experience a rebirth and renewal. We hope for an impassioned appeal for Christ-like character individually and corporately. We will also look at prosperity teaching, entitlement theology and issues of moral purity with a challenge to Living as a Distinctive People.

6. Unity of the church. Under the Challenge of Unity, we will look at who is doing what and what is not being done. We will appeal for unity and increased cooperation between evangelicals worldwide. The closing service is a Call to Action which is a renewed commitment to dedicated discipleship and the Lordship of Christ as we prepare to spread the gospel worldwide with integrity and courage.

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